Whether you're a parent of a child with special needs, an
educator, or an administrator, we hope you'll find our website useful.
If there's information you don't see here that you think
would be useful to yourself or others, please let us know and we'll do our best to add it to the site.
This website is a work in process. Lots of additional information is yet be added,
so please continue to check back regularly.
Also, additional parents are always needed to help the SEPAC accomplish its goals.
Please see the "How you can help" page. Thanks.
Upcoming Workshops:
Watch this site and/or "The Landmark" newspaper for notices of upcoming
meetings and workshops.
To request a workshop on a particular topic, please contact Susan
Holmes; (see contact info below.)
Note: the SEPAC email is only monitored weekly, so for quicker response, please call.
Register to receive SEPAC emails:
To register with the WRSD SEPAC, contact PAC Chairwoman, Susan Holmes at (508)753-2425, or send email to: wrsd_sepac@usa.net